2017 OTS Poster Award Winners
001 Brooke Anderson, The Scripps Research Institute
019 Annika de Jong, Leiden University Medical Center
035 Francois Halloy,ETH Zurich
063 Socheata Ly, UMass Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
068 Liliana Matos, National Health Institute Dr. Ricardo Jorge
076 Maire Osborn, UMass Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
082 Hannah Pendergraff, Roche Innovation Center Copenhagen A/S
086 Irina Randrianjatovo-Gbalou, Institut Pasteur
089 Fernando Romero-Palomo, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
092 Shruti Sasaki, Ionis Pharmaceuticals
098 Ryan Setten, City of Hope: Irell& Manella Graduate School of Biological Science
110 Maaikevan Putten, Leiden University Medical Center