Applications are closed for 2023.
Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society
Board of Directors, Trainee Representatives
Call for Applications
The OTS Board of Directors is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2024-2025 term for one to two, Trainee Representative positions on the Board. The Trainee Reps will serve as the voice of trainee scientists, typically graduate students and postdocs, on the OTS Board. The Trainee Reps will work to create a sense of community and loyalty among junior scientists, and ensure that we are meeting the needs of our trainee members and supporting them into productive and fulfilling careers.
Responsibilities will include:
- Serve a two-year term on the OTS Board of Directors, beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2025.
- Participate in two Board of Directors teleconferences and one face-to-face meeting per year.
- Represent the interests of trainee scientists, including students and post-docs, to the OTS Board of Directors.
- Assist in coordinating the Next-Gen Early Career Scientist Session and the Early Career Scientist Social Event at the Annual Meeting, as well as in marketing and promoting these events.
- Contribute to the social media presence and occasional web content, creating at least one highlight piece on a topic of your choice for the society.
- Contribute to OTS subcommittees. Given the international nature of the society most of the work is conducted by teleconferences (two to six meetings per subcommittee per year) and email.
- The possibility to co-author a perspective or review article on an area of interest to the field of oligonucleotide therapeutics, to be published in our society journal, during your two-year term. (This could be co-authored with a board member or your doctoral/postdoc supervisor (your PI)). The article processing fees are paid by the OTS.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Be a current member of OTS.
- Be a current student or a postdoc within 5 years of obtaining your doctoral degree at the time of application.
- Discuss this idea with your PI. OTS will cover your travel and registration for the two meetings during your tenure as a trainee rep, so your supervisor should not bear any financial responsibility, but they need to be supportive of you investing some of your time in this position over the two years.
- Please include a letter of interest, a recent CV and a letter of recommendation.
- Applications will open in Fall 2024 to apply as a Trainee Representative for the 2025-2026 term