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The OTS Annual Meeting 2023 in Barcelona was a showcase of excellent science and a demonstration of how far our field has advanced over the past nineteen years. Congratulations to our LAA winners Dr. Sudhir Agrawal and Dr. Cy Stein, our other award winners, our speakers, and our attendees for making an 800 person meeting seem as warm and welcoming as a 150 attendee Gordon Conference.
I’d also need express, on behalf of the entire board of directors, our gratitude to the many sponsors and exhibitors who support the OTS Annual Meeting. Without them we would not be able to create the experience that allows our community to flourish.
Finally, I would like to update you on OTS news as we close out 2023….
- Dr. Mano Manoharan was elected to be a Lifetime Honorary OTS Board Member.
- The next OTS meeting will be in Montreal on October 6-9. I will be one of the three Scientific Organizing Committee chairs together with Dr. Masad Damha and Dr. Laura Sepp-Lorenzino.
- Geri Beaty (Event Innovations, Inc.) will be stepping down as the management partner to the Society & Event Manager. Agnes Gehot and Stefan Ratte will take over management of the society Annual Meetings. Welcome Agnes and Stefan! The new society manager will be announced in early 2024.
- As the 2023 Board of Directors election has now concluded we would like to thank all the members who have served this past term (2022-2023). The new board will be announced in early 2024.
- Last but not least, it is my pleasure to announce a major new initiative. Education and promotion of dialogue are a central goal for OTS. Building on our successful “Local Delivery” program that promotes satellite meetings in the field of oligonucleotide therapeutics, OTS will now offer partial support for larger scale “Regional Delivery” meetings outside of North America and Europe. The goal of this program is to promote oligonucleotide therapeutics in regions that are distant from the sites of our annual meetings and enable more scientists to have an “OTS-style” experience. This program will provide up to $50,000 in support, assistance with publicity, and assistance recruiting speakers. OTS does not have the bandwidth to assist with organization. If you are interested in this program, please await further guidance regarding the application process to be announced in 2024.
It has been a pleasure and honor to serve as the society President these past two years and I welcome Richard Geary (Ionis Pharmaceuticals) as he steps in to take this leadership role in 2024.
Best Wishes and Happy New Year,
– – David