December 22, 2023
Awards & Grants

2023 Paper of the Year Award – Late Discovery Category Winner Jinkuk Kim, PhD
Jinkuk Kim, PhD
KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
A framework for individualized splice-switching oligonucleotide therapy
Jinkuk Kim is an Assistant Professor at KAIST in South Korea. He obtained a B.S. in computer science and a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics from the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology in 2011, advised by David P. Bartel at the Whitehead Institute/MIT/HHMI. He then conducted postdoctoral research at Harvard Medical School with Peter J. Park and Timothy W. Yu. Kim has made significant contributions in oligonucleotide therapy and rare disease genomics. Notably, with Timothy W. Yu and colleagues, he contributed to developing milasen, the first fully patient-customized therapy for a rare genetic disease (Kim et al, NEJM 2019). More recently, his team, together with Yu’s team, proposed guidelines for patient-customized ASO therapy (Kim et al, Nature 2023), for which he received the Paper of the Year Award from OTS. Kim established his lab at KAIST 3.5 years ago (jinkukkim.org), and now leads 12 people, great majority of whom are focusing on RNA therapeutics and rare disease research.