Event Name: Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium (DATS)

Event Dates: June 3rd

Event Location: Meeting & Event Center Fletcher Wellness-Hotel Leiden, LEVEL building 5th Floor, Bargelaan 180, 2333 CW Leiden

Short Event Description/Write Up, including how to register:

One day event to bring together the oligonucleotide community in the Netherlands to strengthening the oligonucleotide research, with a strong focus on networking possibilities for early career investigators.

Registration is online (Registration | Mysite (dutchantisense.org)) and a fee of 20 euro is required.

Website/URL : www.dutchantisense.org

Contact person for more information: DATS committee via email dutchantisense@gmail.com or website (www.dutchantisense.org)

Any key dates, such as abstract deadlines, etc.: Deadline abstract submission May 6th, deadline registration May 20th.