Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium
We would like to announce the 2nd Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium (DATS), which will take place in Nijmegen at the Radboudumc Experience Center on June 1st and 2nd, 2023 (Thursday and Friday).
After a very successful first meeting, we discovered that DATS can act as a forum to gather academic researchers and industry partners from the Netherlands, as well as from the neighboring countries Belgium and Germany, to promote potential new collaborative projects to foster antisense-based therapeutics. Therefore, the aim of this meeting is strengthening the collaboration on oligonucleotide research within the Netherlands.
We are happy to announce two keynote speakers that are major contributors to the field of antisense therapeutics:
Dr. Aurélie Goyenvalle (Paris, France) and Dr. Timothy Yu (Boston, USA).
In addition, invited national speakers with different backgrounds (academia, clinicians, industry, regulatory bodies and patient organizations) will provide an overview on topics such as the history of antisense oligonucleotides, novel delivery methods and pre-clinical research, regulations, ongoing clinical trials and patient perspective. Another important aspect of this meeting is to engage and give visibility to young investigators by providing slots for short talks and poster presentations and we will present awards for best talks and best posters. Moreover, we have created ample time in the program for get-togethers and networking.
You can register for this meeting on the website: http://www.DutchAntisense.org.
Abstracts can be submitted until the 1st of May by filling in the standard format provided on the website and mailing it to dutchantisense@gmail.com.
We are trying to get the message out to as many colleagues as possible, so feel free to forward this mail to others and particularly to young researchers that would be interested in joining this symposium.
We hope to see you all at the 2nd DATS in June!
Best regards,
The organizing committee:
Dr. Alex Garanto, Radboudumc
Dr. Ronald Buijsen, LUMC
Dr. Jeroen Bremer, UMCG
Dr. Atze Bergsma, Erasmus MC
Pauline de Graaf, DCRT