Mentor Program

OTS Mentor Program

Launched in 2022 as a pilot, the OTS Mentor Program has been met with great success and the society is thrilled to announce the program will be continued annually.

The OTS community is filled with individuals from both academia and industry in a variety of research areas. Senior members have a wealth of experience to offer to junior scientists as they train to become the next leaders in the field of oligonucleotide therapeutics.

The purpose of the Mentor Program is to connect early career scientist in our community with established scientific professionals to support  & encourage the mentees’ in their career. Once matched, the mentor-mentee pair can take the experience in any direction they desire, including discussion of career goals, personal development, skill enhancement, networking, introductions, and more.

Connecting at the OTS Annual Meeting is not an obligation of the program but is highly encouraged. Our hope is to offer a Mentor Program meet up during the four day event. Those details will be shared with each Cohort once established.


May 01 2023 - Jun 30 2023


All Day
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