2017 OTS Travel Grant Recipients
Brooke A. Anderson, PhD.,The Scripps Research Institute, Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy Lab
Annabelle Biscans, PhD., UMass Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Melina Christou, PhD Student, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
Annika de Jong,MSc,PhD Candidate, Leiden University Medical Center
Alexandre J.Debacker, PhD Student, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Mahdi Ghavami, MSc, PhD Student, University of Copenhagen
Maud-Emmanuelle Gilles, PhD., Institute for RNA Medicine, BIDMC, Harvard Medical School
Alejandro Gonzalez Torres, BSc, MSc, Cinvestav
Roun Heo, PhD., Sungkyunkwan University
Hasan Issa, MSc, PhD Student, Newcastle University
Nachiket Kamatkar, MSc, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Socheata Ly, PhD Candidate, UMASS Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Shouta Miyatake, PhD., National Institute of Neuroscience
Maria Montiel, PhD., The Marine Biological Laboratory
David Porciani,PhD., University of Missouri-Columbia
Karyn Schmidt, PhD., Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Takenori Shimo, MSc, PhD Student, Osaka University
Maaikevan Putten, PhD., Leiden University Medical Center
Daniel Vasconcelos, PhD.,Stockholm University
Faouzi Zarrouki, PhD Student, Université de Versailles St Quentin